Reflection & Perspective
After enduring 15 weeks of Semester 1, I have finally completed the module on Design Communication. From the tutorial exercises to the ultimate assignment, I encountered various challenges and obstacles that often made me question my choice of pursuing this course. Despite these doubts, I persevered, dedicating more time and effort, even sacrificing sleep, to delve deeper into concepts, methods, approaches, and compositions. I firmly embraced the mindset of focusing on the process rather than the results. In design, personal preferences play a significant role, and it's impossible to please everyone, including myself as an architecture degree student. Instead of comparing myself to others, I aimed to surpass my own past achievements. Seeking guidance from my lecturers, tutors, and friends, I continuously sought to expand my knowledge and explore new styles of designing and composing drawings and boards.
The four tutorial exercises provided a foundation in understanding basic design styles, such as lettering and hatching, which proved invaluable in subsequent assignments. For my first assignment, I designed a poster inspired by one of my favorite movies, 'Top Gun: Maverick,' drawn to the exhilarating sight of fighter jets soaring in the sky. The next task involved replicating technical drawings and 1-point & 2-point perspective drawings of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's renowned Farnsworth House. Initially, I underestimated the challenge, but as I reached the perspective drawings, I realized the complexity involved, leading me to redraw countless times to achieve correct proportions and angles. Finally, the last assignment entailed designing four A1 presentation boards employing the design principles and concepts learned in the past weeks. It proved to be a daunting task as I struggled to compose them in a professional manner and present relevant information effectively.
Despite the numerous challenges I faced during this module, I am grateful for the vast amount of valuable knowledge and information I have gained, which will undoubtedly benefit my future architecture career. I aspire to master these basic skills and continue growing in my craft.
I extend my heartfelt appreciation to my lecturers and tutors for their unwavering guidance throughout the module. Without their support, I wouldn't have acquired the intricate details necessary for successfully completing the assignments.