Creating a toy based on the body parts assigned which in my case is the neck & shoulder
1. Play/Act of Play
2. Toy/Object of Play
3. Pros of Playing & Why Play
4. Movement of Neck & Shoulder
5. Materials
Play/Act of Play
I have listed several of the popular types of play as well as providing some of the examples for each play
Toy/Object of Play
I have separated the types of toys to 2 parts which are the modern & traditional ones with several examples provided for each type
Pros of Playing
& Why Play
I have included the pros of playing (with a toy) as well as why do we need to play
Movement of Neck
& Shoulder
I have listed what we can do with our neck & shoulder based on my personal experience
1. Toy Attributes
2. Materials
3. Actions for Neck & Shoulder
4. Initial ideas
5. Narrative
Toy Attributes
I have thought of what my toy is going to be all about, who will be playing & etc
I have selected the materials & justify why I am going to use them to create my toy
Actions for Neck & Shoulder
I have listed the possible actions that the neck & shoulder will be doing when playing my created toy
Initial Ideas
I had had 8 different ideas before but some of them are either silly or a bit untrue to be made hahaha
1. Ball Race
2. Oval Raceway
3. Ball Shooter Hoop
4. Comparisons & Selection
5. Game Rules
6. Game Process
Ball Race
My 1st idea is the ball race which the player has to use a stick to catch the ball. I have added the other descriptions about this idea toy
Oval Raceway
My 2nd idea is the oval raceway which the player needs to put balls on the raceway on the neck and then spin to not let the ball falling. I have added the other descriptions about this idea toy
Ball Shooter Hoop
My 3rd idea is a ball shooting hoop which the player has to shoot the paper rolls to the opposite player's hoop with the DIY gun which has been attached to the arm part. I have added the other descriptions about this idea toy
Comparisons & Selection
After some comparisons, I have selected the Ball Race as the toy that I will be crafting and I have listed all the reasons I have chosen this toy instead of the rest.
Game Rules
I have included what should the player be doing & what should not the player be doing when playing the toy as well as the basic requirements to play it
1. Problems
2. Solutions
3. Process
These are the 4 problems which I have faced when I was making my toy with the respective descriptions
These are the solutions to the problems which I have aforementioned. I have also provided the justifications & explanations on each of them
The reflections based on the Taylor Graduate Capabilities (TGC)
Thinking & Problem Solving Skills
I had learnt to think critically & creatively on how to create this toy
Lifelong Learning
Intrapersonal Skills
I was able to carry out researches & selectively insert the relevant information into this assignment
I was able to finish my assignment 2 days before the submission date since I was able to follow my schedule & not procrastinating much