CCTS, one of the must-take modules in my 1st assignment. I thought that this module is so useless & I was totally not interested in studying it as I thought that CCTS is irrelevant to architecture. I even hated this module when everything that I had done was wrong & out of context. However, my lecture/tutor, Mr Paul has provided me with some guidance and eventually I have changed my mind and began to think that this module is vital for me who is going to pursue an architectural career since I will have to think creatively & critically to create better projects. In the end of this module, I have enjoyed CCTS as this module has enabled me to think in a different way & think deeper
Taylor's Graduate Capabilities that I have learnt throughout CCTS assignment
1. Thinking & Problem Solving Skills
2. Lifelong Learning
3. Intrapersonal Skills
4. Communication Skills
Thank You to my lecturer/tutor, Mr Paul for guiding me through my CCTS module in my FNBE course